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Updated: Dec 27, 2022

CURIOUS ON LIFE: the Blog vol. 7

Rebecca Guevara Wingler

certified life coach/ artist/ grey area drinking/ reiki practitioner



Christmas tradition, the giving of ourselves because of the gift that has been given to us.

Whether you are religious or not, practice spirituality or not, it seems to me that at this time of year people feel free to be more gracious, joyous and yes, giving.

It isn't about how much is given, how many dollars were spent, or hours volunteered, we seem to get so much satisfaction when we are able to practice the act of giving, It is beautiful. It is an act of love.

Research shows that giving can stimulate the brain's reward center and can boost our physical and mental health.

The chemical response that takes place makes us feel good, helping to create positive feelings.


Sometimes we forgot that all these sentiments and actions of giving are also beneficial when directed toward our own well being. There is so much value in being mindful about loving, appreciating and giving to ourselves.

We can practice in simple things like taking time to............

Process fears, not rejecting them but question them and evaluate them to help gain clarity. It is natural to feel afraid and have fears sometimes, but instead of numbing them or rejecting them try and understand them. Work with someone if you need to, to help guide you through.

  • Love your body. So many distractions in this world try to keep you from this truth: Our value doesn't lie in how our body looks. Learn how to think about your body without toxic negativity. One way is to be grateful to it, for bringing you along this far. Numbing with things like passive screen time or alcohol distracts from yourself and your needs. You are beautiful and unique.

  • Allow yourself to make mistakes. Cut yourself some slack. Making mistakes is how you learn and grow. We have a past, it doesn't define the future. You are constantly changing and growing from who you once were into who you are today and will be one day. Respond to your mistakes and failures with compassion.

  • Don't compare yourself to others First there is only one you! Focus on yourself and your journey. You will feel better when you allow for this energy shift, it is freeing. Express who you really are instead of who you "should" be. Learn to trust your instincts about which people are right for you to be with, and what career to pursue. In practice, you will know yourself best and how to make the most of what you have to offer the world.


"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."


Have a joyous holiday and peaceful New Year.

Merry Christmas!

Thanks for reading.

With love, wonder and curiosity,





CURIOUS ON LIFE: the Blog vol. 6

Rebecca Guevara Wingler

certified life coach/ artist/ grey area drinking/ reiki practitioner


For decades, I really bought into the idea that pouring a glass of wine was my reward at the end of the day. I never went out to dinner without ordering my red, or to any social gathering without a glass of wine in hand. I had beliefs around it, so it was my go to.

I really thought it meant having fun, relaxing me and relieving any stress at the end of the day. Wasn't wine good for me? Ha!

Alcohol of course lowers our vibrations and numbs everything.. Drinking a liquid to feel good for a short time, but then feel awful the next day is not healthy living. I now realize how unhealthy my daily wine habit was.

Wine is alcohol, and alcohol is poison to our body.

I wasn't just diseasing my liver, but my heart, my stomach lining, gums, and aging my skin etc.

The alcohol industry would like us to remain ignorant to its cancer causing properties. It is toxic, the science proves it.

When you feel hungover or are actually sick, that is your body trying to process and get the alcohol (poison) out of your body asap. Trying to keep you alive.

As an artist, drinking was hindering my creativity.. All my creative vibrations were lowered not elevated.

As a certified alcohol free and grey area drinking coach I understand the addictive nature of this drug. It rewires our brain and slows down our thinking.

I work with others who are questioning their relationship with alcohol and have changed their own behavior and mindset around it. They discover a new reality and sense of purpose.

There is no shame or judgement around it, we are conditioned in our society to believe that some people can handle drinking while others cannot.

This is a myth. Anyone who drinks enough for long enough will become addicted to this very addictive substance. I find it so weird that in our society, Alcohol is the only drug we have to explain NOT taking. It is glamorized and all dressed up,

If you are curious about your own inner voice that tells you something is off and is not driving you to your fullest potential, I say pay attention.

If you are like I was, you know that it is not serving you, and probably has you pressing pause on your life goals and dreams.

Perhaps you are a pretty healthy and successful person, yet you find yourself feeling ashamed, guilty because drinking is sabotaging your health goals and taking up way to much space in your mind than it deserves.

Maybe you've even tried to hit the pause button on drinking. You are not alone.

I have been where you are. Keep listening to that inner voice, it's your soul, you can trust it. You are on the verge of something big and wonderful. Learn more here


CURIOUS ON LIFE: the Blog vol. 5

Rebecca Guevara Wingler

certified life coach/ artist/ grey area drinking


Having a grateful attitude can be challenging when we are experience difficult situations. Intellectually we know of course that there is much to be grateful for.

Most of us have a roof over our head, we have drinking water and know when and where our next meal will come from.

We probably also have a source of heat to keep us and our loved ones warm and safe from the cold.

But what about when something unexpected or horrible is happening in OUR family? We feel off balance, and unwell, I know I do. There can even be fear and a sense of hopelessness,...........sadness.

What is sadness and why is it an emotion we cannot escape? It is one the the seven universal emotions experienced by everyone around the world. It is an emotional pain that usually has a clear cause. Feeling sad is normal.

If you feel sad, you might also drink more alcohol than before, I know I did. You may have trouble sleeping. You might lose interest in activities that you used to enjoy.

Sometimes we go to great efforts to make life perfect and pain free, however sadness will inevitably come. Sometimes society sends messages that tell us we should always feel happy and be positive. This is unrealistic. We are human beings after all. We all feel sadness at some point in our lives.

As a life coach I have tools to help through these tough emotions, and I've learned the importance of centering myself. Life is fluid, nothing ever stays the same.

Even our darkest moments will see light of day. And when things are going smooth and everything seems aligned, we can take in a breath of satisfaction with a sigh of relief.

So, what can we do to help navigate in healthier ways through these times of distress? Especially when gathering for a Thanksgiving meal or the Holiday season?

  1. Acknowledge what's happening. It is okay to not feel okay. Denying such feelings may force them underground where they can do more damage. Cry, and notice if you feel relief after the tears stop.

  2. Prioritize taking care of yourself. Write in a journal, listen to music, or draw to express the emotion of sadness.

  3. Be mindful of how you are feeling. Think about the feelings in a non judgmental way and ride the wave of the experience.

  4. Maintain connections to others understanding what we can and cannot control.

  5. Know when sadness turns into depression. Seek help from a professional if your sadness becomes overwhelming or feel unmanageable. You are not alone.

What can the emotion of sadness teach us?

Sadness can increase motivation. Sadness can trigger effort and motivation to deal with a challenge in our environment.

It is also an active emotion. Like anger, it insists that we separate ourselves for a moment from the outside world and look inside ourselves to know what is happening.

When something is happening in your life that is causing this emotion, be patient with yourself and with whoever, and what ever is the source of your sadness.

Here are a few ways to start feeling more grateful even when we are experiencing sadness.

Notice good things - look for them, appreciate them. Express your gratitude to yourself, write them down, or simply thank someone.

"You cannot protect your self from sadness without protecting yourself from happiness. " Jonathan Safran Foer

Thank you for reading, and Happy Thanksgiving!

With love, your coach


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