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CURIOUS ON LIFE: the blog vol. 22

Rebecca Guevara Wingler A.L.P.

Certified Alcohol & Creative Life Coaching / Podcaster / Artist / Retreats



Whether it's about a relationship, a new career, quitting alcohol, tobacco & improving health, figuring out what comes next can feel daunting.

Lifestyle changes offer a fresh perspective, enabling you to focus on and make shifts in your life for the better.

In my experience adopting an attitude of curiosity, playfulness, along with big energy, you can become more capable to play, exploring old and new passions leaving behind behaviors and habits no longer serving you in life.

When you take time to hone in, you have no idea where this can take you.

It can transform into something so beautiful!


When you are more aware and intentional, intuition becomes really loud and clear.

It sends you the messages about what you want to heal, or expand.

We always have a new chapter infront of us.

We are all unique and taking a deeper look at the ideas that come up are worth while..

It can make space to call forward what you want in your life.

It is exciting!


Tapping into your creative side can improve your life in various ways.

You dream bigger, have better clarity in order to achieve your desires,

inspiring you to think outside the box. and allowing your imagination to run wild.

This opens up new ideas, new goals to identify, set, and achieve.

Celebrating your wins, big and small and the positive reinforcement keeps you motivated.

It is never to late as long as you have breath.

So go ahead, partner with someone who will support you by exploring your potential and making the most out of your life. You deserve to live your best life! We all do!.

Book a free call with me if you want to explore life coaching with me and all it can do for you in your life.

Thanks for reading!

with love,



For Art Workshop information on Saturday July 20

click this link


Updated: May 31, 2024

CURIOUS ON LIFE: the blog vol. 21

Rebecca Guevara Wingler

Certified Alcohol & Creative Life Coaching / Artist / Podcaster / Retreats

Color of the Soul Intuitive & Virtual Water Color Workshops


Hello and a special welcome to the new followers and subscribers! I appreciate you.

Alcohol and creativity.

When we tap into our inner artisan, it not only nurtures creativity but also stimulates our intellect. It fosters a harmonious connection with the world as we experiment, and explore new territories, and solve problems.

I believe there's an ancient magic within each of us, capable of transformation and transcending the ordinary.

This magic awakens our passions and helps us form deep connections with ourselves and others.

I used to believe that alcohol made me more creative.

It used to feel like a seductive creative escape, but in reality I experienced how it strangles the spirit of creation,

It dulls the senses, numbs the mind, and smothers the fiery passion that fuels the creative muses within the soul.

Instead or feeling inspired and imaginative, it casts a shadow over the vibrant colors of imagination, turning brilliance into bleakness.

The vision, once clear and vivid, becomes clouded and distorted, as the liquid poison seeps into every stroke and thought.

True artistry thrives in clarity, not in the clouded depths of intoxication.

Be curious, be clear and embrace the journey of hands, mind, and soul.

Unleash your creative spirit, celebrate it, and bring the magic to life.

If you are questioning your relationship with alcohol I get it.

I think it is good to get curious about how much you are drinking.

If you find yourself drinking more than you intend, reach out for a private and safe conversation around it.

Don't let alcohol kill your creative genius.

Thanks for reading!

with love,



CURIOUS ON LIFE: the blog vol. 19

Rebecca Guevara Wingler

Certified and Creative Life Coach / Artist / Podcaster

Color: Language of the Soul. Art Workshop Series,



Since April is Alcohol Awareness Month, let's explore this trending topic about becoming aware and sober curious.

I can vividly recall when I first started seriously questioning the role alcohol played in my life and so began the curious journey.

It was a journey filled with wonder, a little fear and curiosity, maybe like what you're experiencing now if you are going through this in your mind.

I mean, the mere thought of stopping FOVEVER was enough to make me feel downright melancholy.

It's been about six years since then, but I continued drinking lots of wine for another couple of years.

Back then, I was quite the enthusiast for red wine. Every single day, like clockwork, I'd start pouring myself a glass around 5 in the evening as I prepared dinner and another at dinner.

During the pandemic when we were all at home with nothing but time, before I knew it, the entire bottle would be gone come morning.

After some time passed and engaging in introspective work over the following years, I began questioning all the "stories" I told myself about alcohol. I delved into studying and researching its impacts on our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, ultimately putting my newfound knowledge to the test through personal experimentation.

I then understood the nature of how addictive it is, how it is not the elixir of life, and at the same time realizing that alcohol is socially the most acceptable drug!

I began to see it all differently.

It was no longer about "snatching" my wine pour away, it was about opening up a whole new world of living.

When you make the decision to put your well being first, day in and day out, things begin to happen.

That is something worth celebrating!

And whether that means cutting back on alcohol or eliminating it from your life and lifestyle, you get to decide.

For me, it started as an experiment and stumbled into a lifestyle where I can take it or leave it.

I love to say, " no thank you, I don't drink. "

There is no judgment with your decision.

Both would benefit your life tremendously.

As a certified alcohol coach, the work is around the goal you set for your life.

It's about how you want to feel and experience your life.

Inspiring others to question and experiment and delve into their own paths to uncover all the possibilities of embracing an alcohol free, or mindful drinking lifestyle is worth looking into if you want to take control of alcohol.

If you would like to know more, this is a safe and private space,

Book a free "discovery" call with me, Or DM me a private message,


with love,


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CURIOUS ON LIFE, the podcast.

Wednesday Night Talk with Rebecca

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