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CURIOUS ON LIFE: the Blog vol 3

Rebecca Guevara Wingler

artist/ certified life coach/ grey area drinking coach/ reiki practitioner level 2


How I use centering practices to quiet down my judgment brain.

I was curious about why we judge ourselves and others.

It seems to me we can be the harshest on ourselves. We end up frustrated, hurt and confused.

Constant judgement can feel like being at war with ourselves. I once read "the way you measure yourself is how you measure others, and how you assume others measure you."

Being fair to yourself isn't always easy.

Overthinking gets us in a trap, one we wish we could escape.

When we self judge we sabotage our own happiness and the relationship we have with ourself. Self Judgement involves fear, it poisons the present moment, this very moment.

What does it sound like? It's like beating your self up, thinking you should do something different from what you are or be somewhere different from where you are now.

We need to Shut Up and Shut Down what I call my "judgement brain", if even for a little while.

If we allow these feelings and attitudes to linger on and on then we can create chronic stress upsetting the body's hormone balance, damaging the immune system, and depleting the chemicals in the brain required for happiness.

There is good news!

Thankfully there are centering practices to bring us right back to the here and now. Many of these practices can be done sitting, standing and lying down.

I'm listing a few here for you to try out for yourself. Maybe you'll try something new.



This ancient form of self paced, noncompetitive gentle physical exercise is a

mind body technique.

“Chi”or life force, is the energy current that runs through our bodies and provides circulation, nutrients, and minerals.

This art has been used by doctors of integrative medicine and acupuncturists to restore the body to its natural health state, and help us achieve a state of zen.

Benefits of Tai Chi

Deceased stress, anxiety and depression

Improved mood

Increased energy and stamina

Improved flexibility balance and agility



A form of energy healing that allows the universal energy to flow. Its origins are from Japan in the early 20th century.

This centering and healing technique promotes relaxation, reduces stress and anxiety through gentle touch.

Reiki practitioners use their hands to deliver energy to your body, improving the flow and balance of your energy to support healing. Our chakras may be out of balance and after

a Reiki session this can be corrected.

Reiki helps to support our autonomic nervous system (the part of our nervous system that control involuntary actions such as the beating of our heart and the widening or narrowing of our blood vessels). toward states of safety, rest, recovery and ease.

Benefits of Reiki

Improved mood and emotional well being

Reduced stress and increased relaxation

Better sleep, improved insomnia symptoms

For people undergoing surgery, lower blood pressure, anxiety, pain rates

Those with cancer experience improved anxiety and pain management.



Experiencing gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation tends to foster positive feelings, which in turn contribute to one’s overall sense of well being.

Research has shown that the attitude of gratitude helps us deal with adversity, build strong relationships, and can improve sleep and immunity. It also decreases depression and anxiety. #begrateful


Talking a Walk

Walking increases our blood flow to the brain and body, It has positive effect on moods. When you feel off balanced and need to center why not put in earbuds listen to music that inspires you, take pictures or listen to your favorite podcast. It will get you out of your head and into a space of learning and creativity. Research shows that 20 mins of sunshine will provide us the vitamin D our bodies need.

In Review

Negative thoughts can be reduced by centering ourselves. Just by practicing this, it restores our inner balance, because we focus on the present.

Centering allows us a moment of focus where we can self reflect and work on bettering ourselves.

Thank you so much for reading.

With love and wonder

your coach,




the Blog vol 2

Rebecca Guevara Wingler

artist/ certified life coach/ grey area drinking coach/ reiki practitioner level 2


Arles, South of France


"I have been accused of possessing a gypsy spirit and I don't deny it."

I love moving, travel and experiencing new places, people and things.

At 11 years old, I flew for the first time on a jet, from Los Angeles to Honolulu, Hawaii.

I still remember the feeling and the thrill of it all. I was invited by my grandfather and grandmother to join them and a few other relatives on this trip.

I felt hesitant and a bit uncertain because it was over the Christmas holiday, and the rest of my immediate family were not going. The thought made me feel a little empty for just a moment, but then there was a pull. Was it the curiosity of Hawaii? or of flying? my adventurous spirit? what ever it was, it was calling me.

I was even a little scared, but something nudged at me.

After all, I knew I was safe with those I would be with, so I went.

I am very happy that I did, because I bonded with others but also a door to visiting other places, away from my home, had just flown wide open.

The day to go finally came, off we went to LAX. Saying goodbye to my mother and father, walking the jetway, looking for my seat while all the flight attendants with bright smiles welcomed us on board . They were so nice and brought me snacks and juice. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood.

In Hawaii, the experience of walking along the shores of Waikiki Beach is imprinted in my mind. It was sunset, and nothing about the climate, the sounds and smells around me. or the temperature, were familiar to me.

Beaches on the Southern California coast that I grew up going to were beautiful, but the water was cold, and the temperature always drops when the sun goes down, so it becomes chilly to be there.

On the islands, its tropical, warm and

never cold. Whispers from the trade winds gave me a feeling and let me know that I was part of it all, we all were.

I was one with nature.

It felt incredibly beautiful and all encompassing.

I was energized and high, it was a natural high.

I hadn't yet experienced a chemically induced: high.

That feeling of exploring, and being curious about what I might find, see, or who I might meet and what new tastes I will experience, is still undeniably exciting!

It's why I travel.

Even at a young age, because I'm curious, it's not a question if I will travel, it's known deep with in me, that I will.

Where does "Sober Curious Travel" come in to play?

Looking back I see that alcohol is an available and accepted drug in all corners of the world.

I always partook.

I believed it relaxed me, calmed my nerves and made me better at socializing.

With a few glasses of wine or cocktails, I believed I was more at ease and confident.

Drinking while travel usually began at the airport bar, then another on the plane.

It's what you do, it's what everyone does when they travel and go on vacation........isn't it??

Decades later, when I began questioning my relationship with alcohol, I remember the discomfort of having to consider traveling, without "drinking."

It was a dilemma! It was a slight panic actually.

It makes me chuckle now, I was so stressed about it.

How could I possibly travel and not have a drink, on the plane, at dinner, pool side or brunch!!

If you've read my story, you've discovered I stopped drinking in December 2020. Since then I have realized that travel, without the booze is more invigorating.

I now am a "sober curious junkie" and have travelled many times since making alcohol small and irrelevant in my life.

Living in the Texas Hill country, I have travelled for pleasure alcohol free to Alaska, Mexico, New York, Savannah, San Diego, Los Angeles, New Orleans, just to name a few places.

It is so much better now. Why?

First, there is no longer the energy zap or fogginess in the morning. I get to be present for all new excursions and adventures and really experience them.

The food is so much more delicious because my taste buds are not numb from all the wine. I'm not getting empty calories, blotchy skin or bloat.

If you're curious about not wanting to drink alcohol every day when traveling, remain curious. Think of it as an experiment. Once you get it out of your system and actually do this experiment, you'll see that you feel different. Life can be awesome sans booze, and can become the life you don't want to numb.

I'm happy to report that on my various travels, bartenders are making intriguing Faux-Tails (a.k.a. mock -tails)

There are now zero proof spirits, n/a wine and beer. Younger adults especially seem to be more mindful of what they put in their bodies, and they want to be healthy..

Not having alcohol in your glass, but instead try adding something else that you enjoy.

Not drinking alcohol doesn't eliminate the fun and glam! You just get to experience the party, brunch, dinner, or happy hour without the headache, sluggishness

possible embarrassing moments we would like to forget the next day.

I think back at that time in Hawaii, when I was 12. I didn't need alcohol to experience that beautiful paradise. My natural high was from nature and the color, the wonder and adventures.

Now, it's like that again! I didn't need it then to enjoy new experiences and I don't need it now.

Drinking adds nothing but a 20 minute buzz which later turns to numbness and so on.

So don't wait to travel because you are worried that you won't have fun if you can't drink!

You must try and see for yourself before deciding that it will "never" be for you.

I was the same way!

NYC October 2022

If you ever want to discuss it with me, please reach out so we can chat. As a certified alcohol free coach, not only have I gone through the journey, but also have the training and methodology to help anyone who is curious about their relationship with alcohol. It is wonderful living the next chapter in life being curious, creative and clear.

Go out and explore the world with a sober mind, body and soul.

With love and wonder.

your coach,



Curious On Life: the Blog vol 1

Rebecca Guevara Wingler

artist/ certified life coach/ grey area drinking coach / reiki practitioner level 2


This was something I became curious about. As a visual artist I am a creative. It is my passion and my happy place. I have been a painter, a designer and at times a teacher for decades.

My entire life, from a very young age I have been fascinated with color, especially as it relates to me and how it influences the energy I feel in my body.

One thing I began to notice in the last 5 or so years is just how much color-hues and their vibrations could affect my moods.

Whether I was making art or viewing it at galleries or museums it could shift my mood and therefore my emotions.

This was intriguing, so when I become curious about something that has an effect on me or resonates with me, well I begin to dive in.

There's lots of research and its ongoing about the effect of color and the vibration and frequencies each let off and the effects on us.

When ever we go through challenges, pain, or any type of discomfort in life we can find ways, (that are not destructive) to calm and cope. I had to learn this myself through out my own life. I used to numb, with my daily wine habit, to not feel any of this. I hate confrontation and dark feelings.

We all know we can't go through life avoiding either, so when I decided I didn't want alcohol to be my go to any longer, I realized I could create and paint and get lost in the moment.

I found that while going through any difficult situation if I painted, sketched or did anything with my hands and mind, the act alone was allowing me to express and release heavy emotions.

Color influences the mind, body and emotions. We can begin to notice how some color effects us on an energy level. How they make us feel emotionally and physically.

There have been some important observations about the psychology of color and its effects on us. I use color and art often through out the day to lift my mood, energize me, and simply make me feel great. Color is so therapeutic.


  1. Trauma affects the brain's speech centers and can limit the effectiveness of talk based therapies. Art allows us to express in nonverbal ways with drawing and painting.

  2. Art is layered with complexity even simple art. The more you look at it, more ideas reveal themselves.

  3. Research shows how art can help you calm distracting, negative unhelpful thoughts and gets our hands and body working, as opposed to just the mind.

  4. Art works to shine the light out of darkness. It allows us to experience connections to the imagination....the space where everything is okay for a little while.

  5. Making art lowers stress and anxiety letting the mind stop for a while and forces the noise and chaos to move around us.

I think the answer to the question at hand would be YES!

Being creative is good for our general well being.

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